Thursday, June 08, 2006

Springfield misses the point about gays

Re: Too many churches focus on judging and not forgiving & Hateful messages get us no where in the community.

In the last couple of days, several well-meaning Ozarkers tried to justify the homosexual lifestyle as normal and acceptable. Then they condemn the Christians who call it what it is, and that is sin. Mr. Cox said that we Christians “make it abundantly clear as to what they think sin is”. I would hope your religion professor would have told you it is not what we think it is but what God says it is. “Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals shall inherit the kingdom of God” 1 Corinthians 6:9. However, there are a lot of other sins there as well so we should not be so quick to single out. You see, it is no wonder Ms. Caesar has a problem with Christians holding fast to their beliefs, it has been the ACLU and NEA on a mission using the Government schools to force tolerance of sin and rejection of everything Godly. From K-College students are told there is no God and you came from primordial sludge. You can do whatever makes you happy. This post-modern secular humanism is destroying the moral fabric of our society.
If anything, Christians do not do enough to stop the acceptance of the gay lifestyle. Their fear of not being liked keeps them huddled in their little pews only worrying about themselves. So, when real Christians do speak out, we are labeled bullies and bigots. The only way to save America from following Rome into certain destruction is to raise your voice in the public forum before Hillary makes it a crime. You must pull your kids from the government’s indoctrination centers (public schools) and do your job as a parent to raise them in Godly principles. Also, get rid of any pastor who refuses to preach Christ and Him crucified. We have to many limp wrist preachers proclaiming 40 days of purpose and not enough proclaiming repentance.
Mr. Cox did say something that was right. Why are we so quick to judge the homosexual sin when all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God? We need to call all sin, sin, and stop singling out the sins that get the most press.

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