Thursday, May 24, 2007

Falwell was Right

Woe to you, you leftist hypocrites! You cast stones in glass houses and blame the Christians as Rome burns. Why is that God haters came out of the woods when the Rev. Falwell passed away last week? The left wing politicos were quick to remind everyone of Falwell’s so-called bigoted statements, but how is that any different then their bigoted rebuttals this week. Does the media ignore Christian bashing rhetoric when they feel it is well founded? Why does Bill Maher get away with joking about the death of Falwell and a monologue that assaults Catholics and Fundamental Christians on his HBO show. Funny how just a few months ago, Don Imus was fired for a bigoted tirade, but because Maher’s target is those pesky Christian’s, it is ok to speak hate about them. I guess freedom of speech does not apply to a preacher who is suppose to speak out against the sins that we all commit. I guess Springfield just wants Roger Ray and Rick Warren in the pulpit so that they are not convicted of their sins. A punishment worse then 9/11 is coming if we (society) do not turn from our wicked ways. God help us!


Rev Chris M Fluharty said...

Zach thanks for your comment but I do not allow anonymous post to my blog. I am sorry if you feel they are straw man arguments but it is my blog and I am not a reporter. I guess you are one of those liberal hypocrites who think it is OK to bash a preacher who makes public comments but if a comedian does the same thing it is okay. That is fine but not on my blog.

Rev Chris M Fluharty said...

James- Thanks for visiting my blog and making a post. But I do not allow anonymous post or personal attacks on my blog. Thank you.

Rev Chris M Fluharty said...

Nice try James but as I have said I do not allow anonymous post. there are no anonymous post on this blog anywhere. If you are refering to the Missouri Evangelist, well that is my blogspot name not an anonymous post. If you would like to use your whole name and refrain from personal insults then your comments will be considered.

Rev Chris M Fluharty said...

James thanks for pointing out that I had some anonymous post still left. I used to allow all post but people began to use foul language and personal insults with-out being upfront and honest. In Spite of your opinion that James does not equal anonymous, to me and others it does. James who? I do not allow screen names either. If you are not man or women enough to share your full name with your personal attack; then I do not respect nor care what you have to say. This is the privilege of the blog owner.

Rev. Chris M Fluharty