Friday, October 14, 2005

America the harlot

I was recently asked why my blogs are so confrontational. While I had no direct reason, I simply said I write what the Holy Spirits direct me too. This did not seem to sit well with this reader. The Bible calls us to make disciples of the nations. This is what I will do in every opinion I write. So this week I will do what I always do, challenge the saints with His word for them.

I have been saddened by the extreme apostasy that has taken place in our Nation. No longer is God allowed nor revered in America today. The churches have forsaken the Word of God for the psycho babble of man’s wisdom. We make covenants for purpose but deny the giver of our purpose. Hosea speaks very well to our Nation today. Hosea was asked by God to take a prostitute for his wife. Now imagine if your single pastor just told you the God wanted him to marry a prostitute, you’d flip your lid. Well if you read Hosea you’ll know that God had a reason and His will was done. I just want to share a glimpse at what God’s purpose was. In Hosea 4: 1-10 we see God’s rebuke on a Nation of harlotry. However, we see some hope and the solution in verse six. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being my priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God" You see we are dying as a Nation because we have the knowledge of the truth but do not live by the truth, and many have forgotten the laws of God. We live in the world and are tolerant rather then being offensive as is the nature of the Gospel we hold dear. America must stop tolerating the sins of our Nation and demand a reconciliation to God now! If you have read the end of Hosea, you know there is hope for us and America. You see the prophet delivers the good news that we have restoration with the father. If we turn away from our sins God will restore our lands and make us great again. The choice is ours. Do we accept the forgiveness provided by Jesus and repent, or do we keep on accepting the sins God has condemned and call them normal. This is One Man’s Opinion and I hope you share it. Until next time, God bless America as we turn to Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Roger. I am not sure where you were going with this. you make some passionate points, however I fail to see how they relate to the topic you posted under. Was your topic directed towards me? If it was I am not sure why you felt like you need to say that. That is preaching to the choir. Everything that I said in that post is true. If you want to deny it well you are really naive. Christ and God is love, but they are also judge. So get right or get left.

Chris Fluharty