Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Greedy Christians are Faithless

Greedy Christians are Faithless
Now that the cuts to medicaid are final and more reform is on the horizon, now more then ever Christians need to do the right thing. As I have stated in the past it is not the Governments job to provide welfare. Back when people had the good sense to take care of each other there was no need for the handout. However, we live in a different era. Today, many want the handout and do not want to work for it. Shame on America! Second, the Christians see the need yet ignore it and live in their own little churchly paradise. The bible has something to say to these faithless Christians. In James 2:15-16 the Bible say "If a Brother or Sister is without clothing and in need of daily food and one says to them go in peace, be warmed and filled, and yet you do not give them what they need for their body. What use is that?" How many Christian see a need and say I’ll pray for you but do nothing? What good are you to God then? What have you done for Him lately?
Mike Yankoski a College kid who wanted understand what it was to be homeless decided to be homeless for five months. He wrote about in his book Under the Overpass. One story after another talks about how Christians would tell him that they would pray for him whenever he’d asked for food, but few ever offered to buy him food. Even street ministry teams would not invite him to church. However some did and he said he could see the love of Christ in them. Do you have the love of Christ in you?
Today, there are many Missourians in need. Some will loose their insurance and will now choose between food and medicine. You can and should provide for your neighbor. The Church pantry does not know you neighbor needs help, but you probably do. Wake up Christians! It is time to put your faith where your mouth is, and that’s in action

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