Saturday, June 24, 2006

MSU does not need a sexual orientation policy

Here we go again. After years of trying and failing the Lambda Alliance is once again trying to force its special rights policy on the entire campus. This time it is under the guise of diversity. This is not a difficult thing to figure out. No policy will end discrimination. As long as there is short-sighted bigots who fail to see everyone as the same there will be atrocities like racism, intolerance, and hatred. So, why cost the school money to re-print everything to include a few words for a specific group. Those words will not keep gay students from being harassed. Which in all honesty in my three years at MSU I have never seen a gay student harassed. They have all been good students, respectful of others and hardworking. I have never met one that I did not respect.

My problem with this policy is it gives specific rights to a single group. Why should homosexuals get there own policy? I have been harassed by many at MSU in class and out for my extreme conservative views. So should we include a policy that says Christian conservatives shall not be discriminated against.? That would be ridiculous. And so is giving the gay and lesbian group their own special policy.

Christian conservatives are probably the most discriminated group on campus. We are ridiculed in class discussions. Some Professors act as if our Christian beliefs are dumb and non-academic. Christian conservatives are silenced from lack on-campus groups because there are so few Christian conservative professors to sponsor groups. So, if the homosexual minority, who seems to rarely be harassed, gets an unneeded policy. Then why don’t the diversity committee include one for Christian conservatives who are the most discriminated group on campus. So much so that many of them keep their beliefs to themselves, which affects diversity on campus. Most of the time on campus thought is dominated by liberalism and secular humanism. Any beliefs outside this has been belittled. If we all think the same way how is that diversity? The school needs the Christian conservatives too. This policy will keep many away and make some leave.

If President Nietzel was genuinely concerned about diversity he will not go out of his way to pass this very divisive policy that benefits only one group and does nothing to improve MSU academics. I’m just glad I graduate this year.

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