I have recently been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a very curable and treatable cancer. Some have already started with “why would God do this”. To that I simply say God did not do it. You see, God may have allowed it, but he never puts sickness on his kids. I must admit, I have felt a little like Job lately. However, when I went back and read that story, I felt almost honored. You see, God allowed the devil to smite Job to prove just how faithful Job really was. God still had control the entire time. God has allowed the devil to take my Mother from me at an early age. God has allowed the devil to put sickness on my youngest daughter. And now God has allowed the devil to strike me with this illness. All I have to say is, Satan, is that all you got?! Where me and Job differ is, I have a God fearing wife and praying friends. Sure I have questioned myself and asked, where did I forget to put my armor on at. I have questioned God’s reasoning for allowing this. But I must remain like Job and say, Though He Slay me yet will I trust Him!!!!!!!
What I have been bothered by is those who say I am sick because I do not have enough faith. To them, I say read your Bible! Are you telling me that Job had little faith? I am a proud Pentecostal and I know that I know there is healing at the cross. It was by Jesus’ stripes that I am healed. Jesus took it for me at that place called Calvary. Their lack of understanding in something so basic as the Cross, blinds their eyes with dogma that is not from God. If there is someone out there going through Hell and back as I am, I am here to tell you, He will never leave you nor forsake you. Before the foundations of the earth, He knew this event would come to pass and He had already began a way of escape. The Cross is our salvation. However, it does not end there. The blood shed on that Cross was for you and me. Our atonement, healing, and so much more was offered up for us, all we must do is accept it and His loving grace. I am not sure as to why God chose me or why I must go through this time of trials. But I know that where there is a test, there is a testimony! I believe that at the end of this, God will get glory beyond measure and he will use me beyond my expectations. I leave you with this. It is this One Man’s Opinion that the Cross of Christ must be proclaimed for all to hear. It was Paul’s sermon every time. He claimed to know only Christ and Him crucified. So why do we push programs and purpose over Christ and the Cross. If just one soul comes to Christ because of my infliction, it will be worth the pain. To Him be the Glory forever.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
MSU does not need a sexual orientation policy
Here we go again. After years of trying and failing the Lambda Alliance is once again trying to force its special rights policy on the entire campus. This time it is under the guise of diversity. This is not a difficult thing to figure out. No policy will end discrimination. As long as there is short-sighted bigots who fail to see everyone as the same there will be atrocities like racism, intolerance, and hatred. So, why cost the school money to re-print everything to include a few words for a specific group. Those words will not keep gay students from being harassed. Which in all honesty in my three years at MSU I have never seen a gay student harassed. They have all been good students, respectful of others and hardworking. I have never met one that I did not respect.
My problem with this policy is it gives specific rights to a single group. Why should homosexuals get there own policy? I have been harassed by many at MSU in class and out for my extreme conservative views. So should we include a policy that says Christian conservatives shall not be discriminated against.? That would be ridiculous. And so is giving the gay and lesbian group their own special policy.
Christian conservatives are probably the most discriminated group on campus. We are ridiculed in class discussions. Some Professors act as if our Christian beliefs are dumb and non-academic. Christian conservatives are silenced from lack on-campus groups because there are so few Christian conservative professors to sponsor groups. So, if the homosexual minority, who seems to rarely be harassed, gets an unneeded policy. Then why don’t the diversity committee include one for Christian conservatives who are the most discriminated group on campus. So much so that many of them keep their beliefs to themselves, which affects diversity on campus. Most of the time on campus thought is dominated by liberalism and secular humanism. Any beliefs outside this has been belittled. If we all think the same way how is that diversity? The school needs the Christian conservatives too. This policy will keep many away and make some leave.
If President Nietzel was genuinely concerned about diversity he will not go out of his way to pass this very divisive policy that benefits only one group and does nothing to improve MSU academics. I’m just glad I graduate this year.
My problem with this policy is it gives specific rights to a single group. Why should homosexuals get there own policy? I have been harassed by many at MSU in class and out for my extreme conservative views. So should we include a policy that says Christian conservatives shall not be discriminated against.? That would be ridiculous. And so is giving the gay and lesbian group their own special policy.
Christian conservatives are probably the most discriminated group on campus. We are ridiculed in class discussions. Some Professors act as if our Christian beliefs are dumb and non-academic. Christian conservatives are silenced from lack on-campus groups because there are so few Christian conservative professors to sponsor groups. So, if the homosexual minority, who seems to rarely be harassed, gets an unneeded policy. Then why don’t the diversity committee include one for Christian conservatives who are the most discriminated group on campus. So much so that many of them keep their beliefs to themselves, which affects diversity on campus. Most of the time on campus thought is dominated by liberalism and secular humanism. Any beliefs outside this has been belittled. If we all think the same way how is that diversity? The school needs the Christian conservatives too. This policy will keep many away and make some leave.
If President Nietzel was genuinely concerned about diversity he will not go out of his way to pass this very divisive policy that benefits only one group and does nothing to improve MSU academics. I’m just glad I graduate this year.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Springfield misses the point about gays
Re: Too many churches focus on judging and not forgiving & Hateful messages get us no where in the community.
In the last couple of days, several well-meaning Ozarkers tried to justify the homosexual lifestyle as normal and acceptable. Then they condemn the Christians who call it what it is, and that is sin. Mr. Cox said that we Christians “make it abundantly clear as to what they think sin is”. I would hope your religion professor would have told you it is not what we think it is but what God says it is. “Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals shall inherit the kingdom of God” 1 Corinthians 6:9. However, there are a lot of other sins there as well so we should not be so quick to single out. You see, it is no wonder Ms. Caesar has a problem with Christians holding fast to their beliefs, it has been the ACLU and NEA on a mission using the Government schools to force tolerance of sin and rejection of everything Godly. From K-College students are told there is no God and you came from primordial sludge. You can do whatever makes you happy. This post-modern secular humanism is destroying the moral fabric of our society.
If anything, Christians do not do enough to stop the acceptance of the gay lifestyle. Their fear of not being liked keeps them huddled in their little pews only worrying about themselves. So, when real Christians do speak out, we are labeled bullies and bigots. The only way to save America from following Rome into certain destruction is to raise your voice in the public forum before Hillary makes it a crime. You must pull your kids from the government’s indoctrination centers (public schools) and do your job as a parent to raise them in Godly principles. Also, get rid of any pastor who refuses to preach Christ and Him crucified. We have to many limp wrist preachers proclaiming 40 days of purpose and not enough proclaiming repentance.
Mr. Cox did say something that was right. Why are we so quick to judge the homosexual sin when all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God? We need to call all sin, sin, and stop singling out the sins that get the most press.
In the last couple of days, several well-meaning Ozarkers tried to justify the homosexual lifestyle as normal and acceptable. Then they condemn the Christians who call it what it is, and that is sin. Mr. Cox said that we Christians “make it abundantly clear as to what they think sin is”. I would hope your religion professor would have told you it is not what we think it is but what God says it is. “Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals shall inherit the kingdom of God” 1 Corinthians 6:9. However, there are a lot of other sins there as well so we should not be so quick to single out. You see, it is no wonder Ms. Caesar has a problem with Christians holding fast to their beliefs, it has been the ACLU and NEA on a mission using the Government schools to force tolerance of sin and rejection of everything Godly. From K-College students are told there is no God and you came from primordial sludge. You can do whatever makes you happy. This post-modern secular humanism is destroying the moral fabric of our society.
If anything, Christians do not do enough to stop the acceptance of the gay lifestyle. Their fear of not being liked keeps them huddled in their little pews only worrying about themselves. So, when real Christians do speak out, we are labeled bullies and bigots. The only way to save America from following Rome into certain destruction is to raise your voice in the public forum before Hillary makes it a crime. You must pull your kids from the government’s indoctrination centers (public schools) and do your job as a parent to raise them in Godly principles. Also, get rid of any pastor who refuses to preach Christ and Him crucified. We have to many limp wrist preachers proclaiming 40 days of purpose and not enough proclaiming repentance.
Mr. Cox did say something that was right. Why are we so quick to judge the homosexual sin when all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God? We need to call all sin, sin, and stop singling out the sins that get the most press.
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