Sunday, January 08, 2006

Religious right is not the source of our woes

I just wanted to comment on N. Stark's letter on Patriots are found everywhere in today’s paper. I could not believe that he or she would spout obvious historical myths as if they were truths. I hope she reads this a provides sources because that letter was the biggest dose of hogwash I have read in a long time. Blaming the religious conservatives for our nations problems. What news are you watching. The religious conservative are being ignored. We continue to allow abortions. We teach monkey science to our kids. We, in spite of a winning vote, are moving towards allowing sodomite marriages. ACLU is stripping all acknowledgment of God from the public square. What are you God haters thinking. The religious right is powerless because it is lazy and to scared to buck political correctness. Pastors have no guts to stand for biblical truths in fear of losing tax exempt status. News flash Missouri. The religious Right is not your problem. It is the Neo-cons who play pretend to get the religious vote but are far from being faithful conservatives. Bush is the biggest example. He has a "form of Godliness but denies the power thereof". Praying makes you a Christians about as much as swimming makes you a dolphin. Do not blame the religious conservatives for your woes. They are not the real problem. The problem is corrupt lawmakers, and the ACLU.

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