I just wanted to say a few thing about this to those who visit this site. I have been in some rather heated debate called backwoods and a hater. What I do not understand is why all these people seem to think they have a right to get special treatment under the law. Soon I will be arrested for the views I share here because they will be deemed hate speech. I do not hate gays, I hate their sin. Just as I hate my own sin. The difference is I repent and turn away, they seek justification of their sin so they can continue to do it. If this bill makes it to a committee, rest assure I will be up there fighting it with every fiber I have. I will protect the family unit that these people seem to want to destroy. They do not deserve to be discriminated against in jobs and such but they also do not deserve special laws to justify their choice. Marriage is ordained of God and should stay that way. I will not bow to the seeker sensitive pastors who say we shouldn't hurt their feelings. If I do not share the truth then it is my fault. I will not be liable for failing to share the gospel. Until next time