Saturday, August 27, 2005

God save our state

On September 6th our Missouri legislature will go back into session to take up some issues that should have passed the regular session. This event will cost Missourian’s hundred of thousands of dollars a day. Why, you should ask? Because our elected officials do not know the sanctity of human life and they do not know the US Constitution. The debate will be over a bill that makes it harder for a minor to cross state lines for an abortion and it also will make doctors have hospital privileges at a hospital at least within 50 miles. What you won’t see is a provision that says Missouri recognizes human life in uteruo or out. You see our Governor received promises of a very nice check from an institute that does Stem Cell Research using embryos. Suddenly Mr. Blunt is not as pro life as he once claimed.

That takes me back to my original claims. Since the Supreme court made the abortion law up in 1970's the debate has been when does life begin. If you say conception you are close. According to God he says "before you were in your mother’s womb I knew you". So, for God, life begins before conception. However lets take the standard conception argument. Conception is when the egg meets the sperm and the chromosomes from each combine to form life. So what do you call it when a doctor combines two sets of chromosomes in a petri dish? Conception! So, these "researchers" are creating a life just to destroy it. Mr. Blunt and many of the republicans in Jefferson City are not pro life as they claim. I challenge you to ask the tough questions to your elected representative and to those you will elect in 2006.

Now as to my claims that they do not know their US Constitution, that stems from needing to pass these laws at all. You see our Constitution states that you cannot deny no person life, liberty, or property without the due process of law. Missouri’s own laws recognize personhood at conception, so we are denying these babies their constitutional rights. Even if that was not the case, the Roe v Wade was a judgement for that case, not meant to become a new law to be applied to every state. This is contrary to our being a constitutional republic. The Tenth Amendment says whatever powers not given to the federal government is reserved for the states. So, in reality the federal government is overstepping their powers and are invading our state rights. This should anger you to call both Blunt’s, Talent, Bond or whoever your elected official is and tell them to stop killing babies now and too give the states back their constitutional powers.
Next week I hope to start a series called Christian Citizenship. I do not believe that many understand just how important it is to be an educated, informed, and active citizen in their government. I believe this comes from the public schools who have stopped teaching American values, to instead promote their social liberal agenda. So. until next week may God speak to you through His Word and the brethren. Thank You.

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