Sunday, February 24, 2013

Web Cam Abortions coming soon to Missouri?

       With the impending arrival of Michelle Obama to a local Springfield Wal Mart to push her pet propaganda, "healthy food choices", I cannot help but to find this very ironic.  The fact she would push for an issue to improve the lives of young kids on one hand and with the other hand push for the murder of the unborn. The Obama's are on record comparing the unborn to an STD and a punishment (Town Hall Meeting in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, March 29, 2008). Why the contradiction? Life is valuable from conception to the grave, yet to our president and his party that is not the case. And this brings me to my bigger concern.
That concern is right now in Jefferson City there is a bill that needs to get some major attention, and more importantly passed. Jeanie Riddle has introduced HB 400. What this bill will do is ban in the state of Missouri, web-cam abortions. Yes, you  read that right, Planned Parenthood has got creative and now do web-cam abortions. It is already happening in Iowa and they want to bring it here because it could circumvent the strict laws already on the books. What happens is a women comes in and has a tran-vaginal ultrasound buy  non-medical personnel and then those are e mailed to a doctor in a central location. The doctor then meets with the women via web-cam where the doctor will, by a push of a button, dispense a chemical abortion pill, like RU 486. The patient has no personal contact with the medical professional and no follow up either.
Are Missourians going to simply sit back and let this happen in our state? I sure hope not. Why is when ones guns are threatened they are up in arms literally. However when the life of a defenceless unborn child is at stake there is little to no uproar. In fact, I have heard more complaint about Michelle Obama's food choice visit than this critical bill. The Government exist to protect those who need it most. Yet, it seems those in office (the GOP has a veto proof majority BTW), are more concerned about issues that are not a matter of life and death. So call your State Representative and Senator and tell them to pass HB 400 this year or loose your vote next year. The Right to Life is guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States. It is about time we act like it