ACLU is Robing Taxpayers
I write this not to stir the pot of controversy, but to open the air of discussion, and to proclaim the truth that we should no longer be forced to pay the ACLU out of or taxes when they attack cities and individuals with frivolous lawsuits. You see what you may not know is that the ACLU take advantage of the Civil rights Act to earn monies from the tax payers of America. However, they try to come across as champions of the offended. I am offended, but why won’t they accept my cause. I am offended because the Supreme Court has raped the Constitution by legislating from the bench their personal agendas. I am offended because unborn babies are murdered without due process of law. Taxpayers are being stripped of their property without just compensation. The Ten Commandments are now subjugated to a geographical test before they can be posted to remind us of our legal and moral history. While Congress and the President sit and do nothing. So tell me Congressmen Blunt why did the Congress give up their Constitutional duty to Judges so that they could award attorney fees to ACLU? Tell me Senator Talent what it feels like to be the cause of the job loss of a Humansville educator? Tell me America do you like funding the tirades of ACLU who is on a mission to erase the very name of God and Christ from the American conscience? Did you know that the ACLU collected 500,000 dollars of your money to remove Roy Moore How about the 100,000 they got to kick out the Boy Scouts from schools? What the money they earned from the Republic fish case or Hummansville? Their clients pay nothing, it comes from you and I. Are you willing to foot the bill to erase God from America? If you are tired of paying the cost call your elected officials and tell them to pass HR 3319 which is the Freedom of Religious Expression Act which says win or loose you pay your own fees. So no more tax payer funds will be going to the ACLU when they decide to sue community schools like Humansville, so now the schools may be willing to fight because their attorney may do it pro bono. So join me in calling on Blunt, Talent and Bond to make this resolution to pass. When this passes schools can now allow students to rightly express their religous beliefs at school without fear of lawsuit because there would no longer be profit for the Anti-Christian litigation unit aka ACLU.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Sunday, July 17, 2005
We are a Christian Nation
Re: Robert Ledger’s Signs good place for Ten Commandments in the Springfield News Leader July 17th, 2005
On Sunday I did as I always do quickly flip to the opinions page and read what is in the minds of Springfield. Being a Christian, Ledger’s article grabbed my attention. It started off as a great piece on a man who is trying to make a difference in his community. However, it went South when Mr. Ledger began to editorialize the actions of this man. Sure it is his job to do that after all he is the editor of the opinion page, but I must take issue with his comments.
His comments belittle the beliefs of Kemper and many Christians buy saying our great nation never was a Christian nation. While I agree today we are a Secular Humanist nation, in years past we were a great Christian nation. Ledger’s defense is that the First Amendment which he said says, "government will leave religious belief to the individual conscience". That is not what it says at all. It really says the Congress shall make no law establishing a religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . Simple translation the government cannot create a national religion. James Madison the father of the Constitution wanted this as the First Amendment, "The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established". Patrick Henery said this about our founding as a nation,"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." I could go on but I do not have enough space to provide all the quotes that have been made to support the fact we were a Christian Nation before the Courts started making laws.
Which brings us back to the original point, the Ten Commandments and the Courts. John Adams our second president wrote Thomas Jefferson and said this, "the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount contain my religion" and Adams was always staunch about never separating ones faith from the actions of Government. Jefferson declared religion is: "Deemed in other countries incompatible for good government and yet proved by our experiences as its best support" Bottom line we need the Ten Commandments in the schoolhouse, the courthouse, and in all our lives. As long as there is an ACLU there will be a fight, and as long as your children continue to go to the government indoctrination centers aka public schools we will never remember the Nation we once were.
On Sunday I did as I always do quickly flip to the opinions page and read what is in the minds of Springfield. Being a Christian, Ledger’s article grabbed my attention. It started off as a great piece on a man who is trying to make a difference in his community. However, it went South when Mr. Ledger began to editorialize the actions of this man. Sure it is his job to do that after all he is the editor of the opinion page, but I must take issue with his comments.
His comments belittle the beliefs of Kemper and many Christians buy saying our great nation never was a Christian nation. While I agree today we are a Secular Humanist nation, in years past we were a great Christian nation. Ledger’s defense is that the First Amendment which he said says, "government will leave religious belief to the individual conscience". That is not what it says at all. It really says the Congress shall make no law establishing a religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . Simple translation the government cannot create a national religion. James Madison the father of the Constitution wanted this as the First Amendment, "The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established". Patrick Henery said this about our founding as a nation,"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." I could go on but I do not have enough space to provide all the quotes that have been made to support the fact we were a Christian Nation before the Courts started making laws.
Which brings us back to the original point, the Ten Commandments and the Courts. John Adams our second president wrote Thomas Jefferson and said this, "the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount contain my religion" and Adams was always staunch about never separating ones faith from the actions of Government. Jefferson declared religion is: "Deemed in other countries incompatible for good government and yet proved by our experiences as its best support" Bottom line we need the Ten Commandments in the schoolhouse, the courthouse, and in all our lives. As long as there is an ACLU there will be a fight, and as long as your children continue to go to the government indoctrination centers aka public schools we will never remember the Nation we once were.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
The Abortion litmus test is Unconstitutional
With a possibility of two vacancies in the SCOTUS, both side have brought out their big guns and are posturing their views in the public eye. Constitutionalist could solve this in one hour and it be exactly what the founders would do as well. The Child has rights and those rights such as LIFE, LIBERTY, PROPERTY cannot be taken without the due process of law(fifth Ad). The women's groups are posting on their websites pictures of women who died because they did not have access to safe abortions. They would have you believe that we'd have back alley coat hanger abortions like an epidemic. This is nothing more then a scare tactic used to get their way. Where is the pictures of the thousands of aborted babies? The judges used the 14th Ad as their Constitutional test. That is ironic seeing that this ad was never legally ratified, and was pushed through by a republican agenda under the guise of the Reconstruction Act. Read your History its true. Besides that the Founders new that their would be new issues so they used a catch all in the form of the 10th Ad, which left it up to the states as was expected. We are not a democracy, we are a republic. The Constitution is not a living moldable document. The founders did not want this so that is why they made the 10th. All issue after then 10th could have been and should have been solved by the states and not an unconstitutional and unneeded ad. We need and must have judges who will honor the 10th Ad. We also need judges who will respect the unborn's Constitutional rights and end the barbaric practice of Abortions
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Greedy Christians are Faithless
Greedy Christians are Faithless
Now that the cuts to medicaid are final and more reform is on the horizon, now more then ever Christians need to do the right thing. As I have stated in the past it is not the Governments job to provide welfare. Back when people had the good sense to take care of each other there was no need for the handout. However, we live in a different era. Today, many want the handout and do not want to work for it. Shame on America! Second, the Christians see the need yet ignore it and live in their own little churchly paradise. The bible has something to say to these faithless Christians. In James 2:15-16 the Bible say "If a Brother or Sister is without clothing and in need of daily food and one says to them go in peace, be warmed and filled, and yet you do not give them what they need for their body. What use is that?" How many Christian see a need and say I’ll pray for you but do nothing? What good are you to God then? What have you done for Him lately?
Mike Yankoski a College kid who wanted understand what it was to be homeless decided to be homeless for five months. He wrote about in his book Under the Overpass. One story after another talks about how Christians would tell him that they would pray for him whenever he’d asked for food, but few ever offered to buy him food. Even street ministry teams would not invite him to church. However some did and he said he could see the love of Christ in them. Do you have the love of Christ in you?
Today, there are many Missourians in need. Some will loose their insurance and will now choose between food and medicine. You can and should provide for your neighbor. The Church pantry does not know you neighbor needs help, but you probably do. Wake up Christians! It is time to put your faith where your mouth is, and that’s in action
Now that the cuts to medicaid are final and more reform is on the horizon, now more then ever Christians need to do the right thing. As I have stated in the past it is not the Governments job to provide welfare. Back when people had the good sense to take care of each other there was no need for the handout. However, we live in a different era. Today, many want the handout and do not want to work for it. Shame on America! Second, the Christians see the need yet ignore it and live in their own little churchly paradise. The bible has something to say to these faithless Christians. In James 2:15-16 the Bible say "If a Brother or Sister is without clothing and in need of daily food and one says to them go in peace, be warmed and filled, and yet you do not give them what they need for their body. What use is that?" How many Christian see a need and say I’ll pray for you but do nothing? What good are you to God then? What have you done for Him lately?
Mike Yankoski a College kid who wanted understand what it was to be homeless decided to be homeless for five months. He wrote about in his book Under the Overpass. One story after another talks about how Christians would tell him that they would pray for him whenever he’d asked for food, but few ever offered to buy him food. Even street ministry teams would not invite him to church. However some did and he said he could see the love of Christ in them. Do you have the love of Christ in you?
Today, there are many Missourians in need. Some will loose their insurance and will now choose between food and medicine. You can and should provide for your neighbor. The Church pantry does not know you neighbor needs help, but you probably do. Wake up Christians! It is time to put your faith where your mouth is, and that’s in action
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Biden shows Constitutional ignorance
America needs to be educated on the Constitution. In wake of the recent SCOTUS opening, now more then ever this nation needs to learn what the Constitution really says, especially Joe Biden-D. On Sunday during an interview he stated that the "circuit courts are different then the SCOTUS, they don't get to make new laws". The last time I checked it was the Congress not the judiciary that made the laws. This ignorant statement shows why we have a abortion, less property rights, and no respect for our heritage. No where is there a clause for the right to privacy as used by Pro-Death advocates . No where will you find a clause for the separation of church and state either. The next judge must adhere to the strict interpretation of this sacred document. So please America, go study and learn your Constitution before the 06 election and vote for candidates who'll actually follow it.
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